Since I will be turning 29 in a few days, I decided to
compile a list of 29 things I am most thankful for at this point in my life…
1.) My family– without you, I would not be who I am today.
2.) My friends – ditto.
3.) No regrets – at least none that truly matter.
4.) My education – I never really appreciated how lucky I
was to have received the education I have until I started teaching.
5.) Scholarships – Being Financially free to follow your
heart really takes a lot of stress off of you.
6.) Spirituality – Without faith in something, I would not
be where I am or who I am today.
7.) My ability to adapt to new situations – The last 7 years
would have been very difficult if I couldn’t adapt.
8.) Peanut Butter – I mean really, it makes any bad day
9.) Peace Corps - especially my assignment in Nicaragua
10.) Technology – Internet and Skype have saved the day more
than 100 times.
11.) Falling in love – who doesn’t love that one.
12.) Having your heart broken – it’s true that which does
not kill us makes us stronger and better people I say.
13.) Diet Soda – I know somewhat contrary to staying
healthy, but it just makes me so happy.
14.) Latin Music – Makes you want to shake it even when you
don’t really want to.
15.) Living in one of the greatest coffee regions in the
world! – Addicted, seriously.
16.) Latin Men – Even if you are a sweaty beast they make
you feel attractive.
17.) Speaking Spanish – makes me feel accomplished even if I
am just asking for a glass of water
18.) Working out and personal trainers – I have never been
more sweaty or more motivated in my life to stay healthy.
19.) Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Frosting – Betty or
Duncan really doesn’t matter to me.
20.) Never having a routine day – keeps me on my toes and
from getting bored
21.) Cheese – it’s just so freaking good.
22.) When you find a song that says everything you want to
23.) A great dress at the second-hand store – 10 bucks for a
new dress???
24.) The ability/freedom to change my life anyway I want to
25.) Not feeling pressured by peer pressure
26.) Good Red Wine
27.) Dark Chocolate
28.) Knowing that I could choose to lead a normal life, and
choose not to anyway.
29.) All 29 years of my life, and every experience I have
lived, and everything I have to look forward to!