Bienvenidos to my Blog!

Hello Family, Friends, and Curious Readers,

Thanks for stopping in to see what I am up to. This is my first blog, and I hope not to bore you too much with the details of my life. But rather hope to offer you some insights into development work, the highs, the lows, and well the boring.

But before I move away for 27 months, let me give you a little information about myself before I lose a steady internet connection.

So after graduating from Boston College in 2005, I decided I wanted to learn Spanish and "save the world" so I moved to Cusco, Peru. I began by volunteering for The Center for Traditional Textiles of Cusco by researching and writing a small business plan for the organization. I continued to work with the organization until February of 2008, when I returned to the US to prepare for my move to Madrid, Spain for 15 months to study an International MBA at IE Business School. And now, after a year of searching for the perfect development job, and taking odd jobs in the meantime, I have joined the Peace Corps and am volunteering again. So wish me luck, and PLEASE someone stop me from volunteering again!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

My life as a 3rd year extension volunteer!

Well, I did it! I made it through my official service (which ended on July 26th) I completed my 27 month commitment with the Peace Corps in Nicaragua... but wait!!! in trying to keep with the theme of my blog of NOT volunteering again... I decided to continue to volunteer on this last brave stint to save the world, or really just to keep doing the things that I enjoy doing! (I mean really, how many of you -who make obscene amounts of money or not - can say they love their job?)

So to make this LAST year of volunteer service the best it can be, I plan on carpe dieming all over Nicaragua, visiting places and trying things I either never had time to do during regular service or always thought, well I have TWO YEARS, that's more than enough time.

Right now, I am carpe dieming in my NGOs office, learning how to use SPSS (its a statisical processing software). Not exactly crazy, but it's cool to keep learning new things. This year I will be focusing on more teacher trainings, creating a National Entreprenurship congress, re-writing the emprendedurismo workbook, National Business plan competition for high school students, and developing a teacher evaluation system. (Not sure when I am going to find the time to carpe diem, but hey it will happen)

I also thought I would add a few pictures from some of my recent adventures and my new place(yes I moved)... so enjoy!

Small Business Development 56 Dinner at Georgia's

PCVs working hard in the office

It's tough work being a PCV sometimes, we need to relax in the library

Agriculture 56 giving their final presentation to staff and the Ambassador

Small Business and Agriculture 56, I will miss you guys!

My new living room

My bedroom and bathroom


  1. Congratulations on completing your 2 years of service! So does that make you a RPCV or are you still a PCV since you haven't left? Stay healthy and enjoy this year. Already wondering what your next life adventure will be after this?

  2. Corn Fest in Jalapa September 20-22nd. I hope to see you Carpe Dieming all over Nueva Segovia! Hasta pronto chica! :D

  3. Is it really Corn Fest time again! Wow, your third Corn Fest. Just had some sweet corn myself. Next time I comment you'll be a Tia!
