Bienvenidos to my Blog!

Hello Family, Friends, and Curious Readers,

Thanks for stopping in to see what I am up to. This is my first blog, and I hope not to bore you too much with the details of my life. But rather hope to offer you some insights into development work, the highs, the lows, and well the boring.

But before I move away for 27 months, let me give you a little information about myself before I lose a steady internet connection.

So after graduating from Boston College in 2005, I decided I wanted to learn Spanish and "save the world" so I moved to Cusco, Peru. I began by volunteering for The Center for Traditional Textiles of Cusco by researching and writing a small business plan for the organization. I continued to work with the organization until February of 2008, when I returned to the US to prepare for my move to Madrid, Spain for 15 months to study an International MBA at IE Business School. And now, after a year of searching for the perfect development job, and taking odd jobs in the meantime, I have joined the Peace Corps and am volunteering again. So wish me luck, and PLEASE someone stop me from volunteering again!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Back to Life, Back to Reality... sort of

After my family left Nicaragua, I hopped on a chicken bus back to Matagalpa. And within a second of stepping on the bus, I knew that vacation was over. I was luckily able to find a place to store my 45 pound backpack, and only had to stand for about 35 minutes (a small triumph really). The next day I spent running from counterpart organization to counterpart organization trying to get workshops set up and work plans defined, before I crashed and just spent Wednesday watching movies at home. I even was able to take two naps that day. Thursday and Friday was full of meetings in Managua and a reunion with all of the small business volunteers that are currently serving in the country. It was great to get to see everyone and reconnect after completing our first six months of service. Here are a few more pictures from vacation and the meetings this week!

Me in front of Lago Nicaragua with the Island of Ometepe

Volcano La Concepcion on the Island of Ometepe

The amazing view from the house we rented in San Juan del Sur

The most stressful lunch ever, but my brother still gave it a thumbs up!

We got sushi delivered to the hotel after our meeting! Ok so maybe vacation has continued  he he.

Zacaragua at the BEST hotel ever!

Catching up at the In-Service-Training (IST)

Best awkwardly posed picture ever! (Some of my fellow PCVs!)

Today I head back to Matagalpa and back to the routine life! Love you all and keep making good choices!

1 comment:

  1. Back to reality for us,too, trying to catch up on lots of work. Looks like your meetings went well, at least everyone seems to be smiling. Sounds like you all have a ton of work ahead of you. I'm sure it will be challenging but also very rewarding.

    P.S. Good news, Byron is finally back home and was really happy to see us when we picked him up from the kennel.
